
Thursday, October 27, 2016

New Quarter!

I'm so excited for 2nd Quarter. There have already been grades entered for the 2nd quarter. Sophomore Parents should have received an Email with a link to signup Genius. Please choose a timeslot to meet with me and Mr. Hubbard.

Next Week:

Government: Students will be covering 3 lessons, They will have vocab Homework. Monday Night, as well as at least 20 minutes of going over their notes Tuesday and Wednesday to make sure they are prepared for the Quiz on Thursday.

History: We Are starting a Project. Below is information about it. Students will be writing a letter to a time traveler to give him advice about how to fix the problems of the Gilded Age (Hint: Most are still huge problems today). This will be a project to help the students with their informational writing as well as their research skills and citations.
(Entry letter)


I am a forlorn traveler. You may not believe this but I am coming to you from the year 1895! In my limited technological capability I was only able to send this letter to your “interwebs” in hope someone could contact me back.

My time period is great need of assistance! We in the United States of America are on the brink of great misfortune! Our water is dirty and cannot be imbibed! Our cities are filthy and crime is on the rise! Immigrants and people of different religions are mistreated by the government and businesses! African Americans are having their rights stripped away every single day! The very rich are getting richer while the regular person is getting more destitute! Politicians are corrupt and being purchased by these same wealthy interests to increase their greed! Workers are crushed beneath the yoke of these same greedy people and the government helps them!

I know in an amazing world where you can send letters through the air invisibly to one another you must have solved these great problems! Please I beg you advise the people of the Gilded Age! How did you fix these problems? Pease for our entire timeline, we need your help!

PS: For those wondering about a Paradox, your letters will effect my timeline but will have not affect on yours.

Rubric For Gilded Age Assignment!

Exceeds Standard (20)
Meets Standard (15)
Below Standard (5)
Knowledge of the Gilded Age
Students have no errors in information and show a well rounded knowledge of the events of the Gilded Age
Students have 1 errors in their information and have limited knowledge of the events of the Gilded Age
Students have many errors in their information or their language is imprecise  or they do not have very much information about the Gilded Age
Information about today
Students have no errors in information about the issues affecting people today. There is well rounded knowledge of the events affecting people right now.
Student has 1 error in their information about today and have limited knowledge of the events of today
Student has many errors in their information, or their language is imprecise or they do not have very much information about what is happening today.
Writing Conventions
There are no errors in capitalization, punctuation, grammar, spelling, sentence structure, or citation.
There are less than 3 errors in Capitalization, punctuation, grammar, spelling, sentence structure, or citations
The letter is riddled with errors or citation is done wrong or is incomplete.
Letter Structure
The student uses an informational letter structure in their writing and adheres to it throughout.
The student has less than 2 errors in informational letter structure in their writing
It is not clear that this is a letter for the majority of the writing.
Student includes ideas for solutions to the problem that have been proposed by scholars and explains how those solutions can work, and possible consequences.
Student includes ideas for solutions to the problem that have been proposed by others, or themselves. They have difficulty explaining why they might work.
Student does not include solutions or these solutions are not well explained.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Schedule for the rest of the Quarter

In class
Prepare Flash cards for the Last quiz. Go over lesson 13

Homework: Study if you need to retake 10/11/12 Quiz
In class
Prepare study materials for Lesson 13, Go over lesson 14.

Homework: Retake 10/11/12 Quiz.
Prepare for Class Discussion Federalists v Anti-Federalists
Study for 13/14 Quiz (This should be concurrent with preparing for the discussion)
In Class
Class Discussion on Federalists v Anti Federalists

13/14 Quiz

Give rubric and outline for Unit 2 Test. Test will be a 2 minute or Less Speech answering one of 3 questions chosen by the students.

Students will begin writing their speech.

Homework: Finish Writing and preparing for their speech (No More than 20 minutes)
In class:

Student will spend 30 minutes preparing their speeches after that Students will deliver their speeches. All late work must be turned in.

Homework: Students will research what is on the ballot for this upcoming election. If there is anything they are extremely morally opposed to representing to the class they must Email me before 10pm on Friday (Example; Mr. Martin I strongly believe marijuana is wrong, I cannot support Question 2 before the class all other measures and candidates are fine.)

I recommend for students own knowledge and character growth they risk representing something they do disagree with.
In Class: Students will be working on an in class project. Each group will be assigned either a ballot measure  or a candidate that is on our district wide ballot.

Homework: They should not be working on their projects at home.
In class: students will continue to prepare their position for the in class debate.

Homework: Students should not be working on projects at home
In Class: The Ballot Measure groups will debate their measures in class.
Students in class will score the debate and take notes to help solidify their positions.
In Class: The Candidate groups will debate their candidates in class. Afterward the students will vote on a google form (anonymously) to decide what the winning position should be.

No Homework over break.


In Class: Students will prepare their outline for their Unit 1 test
In class Students will write their essay for their Unit 1 test
Students will take notes on chapter 5

Homework: Students should study Chapter 5 for their Quiz
Students will take notes on Chapter 5
All late assignments must be turned in for credit.

Students will take a quiz on Chapter 5
Students will take notes on chapter 6

Homework: For students that did not do well on the Chapter 5 Quiz, they should study to retake and retake the Chapter 5 Quiz.
Students will Continue studying the Industrial revolution

Homework: For students that did very poorly on the Unit 1 test Extra 20pt extra credit  will be available. Students must work on this at home or in study hall.
Students will study continue studying the mechanization of the 1800s.

Homework: Students can continue to finish their extra credit.
Students will take their quiz on Chapter 6 because this is the last quiz of quarter it will be on the 2nd quarter grade. All extra credit must be turned in.

No Homework over Break