Thank you so much for your surveys and the chance to teach your brilliant and interesting students. It's been a wild week with too much to sum up right now but I want to make sure I give you all a chance to read over my syllabus.
Mr. Martin
Syllabus 2015-2016
Mr. Martin’s class is a place of learning and respect. Respect yourself, each other, and learning.
Contact Information:
Required Materials: Bring your chrome book every day, bring a thumb drive in case the internet becomes spotty.
Classroom Expectations
Individual Behavioral Expectations:
Students will work with teacher the first week of class to write a list of classroom behavioral expectations based on respecting all students, the educator, and the subject matter.
Group Work Expectations:
Students will be expected to collaborate on many projects. This process will result in many individual grades. Students will also be expected to work well with others in their group in a mature and respectful manner. If students are not respectful to each others time and effort this will be cause for progressive discipline.
Rigor and Communication:
The goal of this class is to be educational and fun but it will also at times be difficult. It is the responsibility of the student to advocate for themselves and communicate with the educator about any confusion or difficulty that a student is having with the subject or the material in class.
Grading Policy:
I will attempt to grade everything that’s turned in within 3 days. Obviously there are certain things like project portfolios or writing projects that might take longer. In this case the assignments that are turned in will be marked as turned in and the grades will be entered as they are corrected.
Grading Scale:
A 100-90
B 89-80
C 79-70
D 69-60
F 59-below
Late Work Policy:
Once an assignment is late you will be assigned study hall with me for that day to make it up. If an assignment is over 1 week late it is worth 50%. All school late work policies apply.
Cheating/Plagiarism Policy:
If a student uses the words of another person or source it is plagiarism. Plagiarism is an automatic 0 on the assignment. If this assignment is a large assignment it can be made up as a late assignment. Cheating is when you copy the answers for an assignment from someone else. Because every assignment is important for your learning this assignment will be given a 0 and students will have study hall until they do it on their own.
Progressive Discipline Plan:
Every single offense is documented
1st offense, a warning.
2nd offense, a conversation after class, and possible study hall if class time is wasted
3rd offense, A phone call home and a conversation with parents about expectations
Every quarter there is a “class prize” based on class points for things like but not limited to; highest combined grade, best attendance, everyone being prepared, everyone turning in assignments, winning presentation, best behavior. This class prize will be decided by the students as a whole.